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Dr Rodrigo Tadashi

Dr. Rodrigo Tadashi Martines

cro. 60.052 / crm. 214.370

Cirurgião-Dentista graduado pela UNICAMP

Médico graduado pela UNISA

Mestre em Odontologia UNISA

Especialista em Implantodontia CFO

Currículo Lattes



1. doi>   ARAUJO, W. G. ; MARTINES, R. T. ; OLIVEIRA, T. P. ; SCHINZARI, P. S. ; ARMOND, J. E. . Incidence of Pedestrian Traffic Injury in Sao Paulo Brazil. Journal of Surgery, v. 7, p. 19-23, 2019.

2. CRUZ, A. L. C. ; SOUZA, D. B. F. ; MARTINES, R. T. ; ARAUJO, A. A. D. ; FAVARO, M. ; GABOR, S. . Quadratus lumborum block for laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair: case series.. In: EUROANAESTHESIA 2018 - The European Anaesthesiology Congress, 2018, Copenhagen. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. New Jersey: Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc, 2018. v. 35. p. 68-68.

3. HATANAKA, D. ; RUSCA, G. ; LEAO, F. ; ARAUJO, W. G. ; MARTINES, R. T. ; GOMES, M. T. V. . Anesthetic management with goal-directed fluid therapy (GDT) for an ex-utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT) procedure: a case report. In: EUROANAESTHESIA 2018 - The European Anaesthesiology Congress, 2018, Copenhagen. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. New Jersey: Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc, 2018. v. 35. p. 114-114.

4. SOUZA, D. B. F. ; CRUZ, A. L. C. ; MARTINES, R. T. ; ARAUJO, W. G. ; ARANTES, B. S. ; COSTA, L. C. O. . Malignant hyperthermia in a child submitted to urgent surgery.. In: EUROANAESTHESIA 2018 - The European Anaesthesiology Congress, 2018, Copenhagen. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. New Jersey: Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc, 2018. v. 35. p. 148-148.

5. doi>   MARTINES R.T.; ARAUJO WG ; RODRIGUES, C. L. ; ARMOND, J. E. . INCIDENCE OF PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC INJURY IN SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL, IN 2016. Acta Ortopedica Brasileira, v. 26, p. 112-116, 2018.

6. doi>   GIACOMO, GIOVANNIDI ; SILVA, JORGE ; MARTINES, RODRIGO ; AJZEN, SERGIO . Computer-designed selective laser sintering surgical guide and immediate loading dental implants with definitive prosthesis in edentulous patient: A preliminary method. European Journal of Dentistry, v. 8, p. 100-106, 2014.

7. doi>   MARTINES, R. T. ; SENDYK, W. R. ; Alfredo Gromatzky ; CURY, P. R. . Sandblasted/Acid-Etched vs Smooth-Surface Implants: Implant Mobility and Clinical Reaction to Experimentally Induced Peri-Implantitis in Beagle Dogs. Journal of Oral Implantology, v. 34, p. 185-189, 2008.

8. doi>    Guimarães, M.M.M. ; Yao, C.M. ; Fagá Jr, A. ; Miyasaki, M. ; MARTINES, R. T. ; Sarzedo, R.R. . Posters (Abstracts 72 to 394). Clinical Oral Implants Research, v. 19, p. 860-967, 2008. 

9. Di Giacomo, G.A.P. ; Silva, J.V.L. ; Bárbara, A.S. ; DalAva, B.C. ; Altran, C.M. ; MARTINES, R. T. ; Alonso, G. . CIRURGIA ASSISTIDA POR COMPUTADOR - RELATO DE CASO CLÍNICO. Implant News, v. 4, p. 279-284, 2007.

10. MARTINES, R. T. . Acesso subciliar para tratamento das fraturas zigomaticomaxilares. Revista Odontológica do Brasil Central - ROBRAC, Goiânia, v. 9, n.28, p. 18-21, 2000.

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